Platelet Rich Plasma

What Is Platelet Rich Plasma?

Platelet Rich Plasma is a well-renowned solution to stimulate cell growth within the body. The patient’s own blood is drawn, spun for about 10 minutes to separate the PRP (a golden yellow serum) from the rest of the blood components (the red blood cells). The PRP is then used immediately for the treatment. PRP can be used to stimulate hair growth, diminish scarring, tighten skin by stimulating collagen and heal internal inflammation.

How does PRP work?

Plasma is a component of the blood containing proteins that help the blood to clot as well as supporting cell growth. Platelets are found within the blood and are responsible for recognizing and repairing damaged cells by forming a plug, or clot. PRP Treatments use the body’s own healing processes to rejuvenate the skin and promote new cell growth.

During treatment, a member of our experienced and trained staff will draw blood from your arm. The small vial of blood will be placed and spun in a centrifuge to separate the red blood cells from the plasma. This process concentrates the platelet count to about 4x the normal amount. The platelet-rich plasma is then applied topically or injected into the skin for treatment. PRP has been shown to help fade darkness under eyes, provide natural facial volume restoration, and even help with hair loss when injected into the scalp.

Frequently asked Questions

When will I see results?

It depends on what the PRP is being used for. At Balog Aesthetics, we can utilize PRP for hair restoration, which typically takes 3-4 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Many people notice immediately that fall-out slows down, and hair is healthier. New growth can be seen after the 2nd or 3rd session, and will continue for months after the treatments are finished. 

PRP for skin rejuvenation is used with microneedling and results are seen about 1 week after the session and continue to improve over the course of several months as the collagen increases. 

PRP for joint restoration is an effective way to immediately decrease pain, increase range of motion and results continue for several weeks to months.

How many treatments will I need?

PRP Hair Restoration: 3-4 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart. 1-2 sessions annually to maintain growth after that. 

PRP Microneedling: this varies, as it depends on the patient’s goals. Healthy skin can be maintained with 1-3 sessions per year, whereas concerned skin might benefit from 3-5 sessions scheduled 4-6 weeks apart to achieve transformation and improvement. 

PRP Injections: this varies, as it depends on the patient’s concerns, specific joint and other factors. A consult is a good way to determine, but typically patient’s under-go injections periodically as they notice their symptoms returning.

How Long is Recovery?

PRP Hair Restoration injections are relatively painless and most people can return to their day without any downtime or recovery. The most common complication is a mild headache, which can be resolved with Tylenol. 

PRP microneedling and/or injections may result in bruising and or swelling. While makeup can be used 3 days after the treatment, it is wise to plan 2 weeks head of any big events or vacations. 

PRP joint injections are quick and relatively painless. While the joint may feel “weird” afterward, most patient’s can return to normal activities immediately unless it is a weight bearing joint such as the knees. Exercise should be avoided for the first 3 days unless otherwise okayed by the patient’s doctor. 

Pre-care Instructions

This treatment is highly dependable on the level of hydration of the patient (patients need to start hydration process 72 hours before treatment). Patients who smoke may have less response to this treatment.

Avoid anti-inflammatory medications 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after treatment.


Consultations are required prior to PRP hair restoration, as there are some types of alopecia (hair loss) which is not successful with PRP injections. Some common contraindications to PRP are:

  • Platelet disorders
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Poor wound healing
  • Severe or untreated anemia

Other contraindications may apply and will be addressed during the consult at Portland Pain and Spine.

Request An Appointment

We want to assure our patients that Portland Pain and Spine remains open and actively managing your pain. Medication management is given the highest priority. Our relocation across the hall in the Washington building is complete but requires office renovation before we can accommodate patient visits. Staffing shortages affected our ability to communicate last month, however, this was temporary. Dr. Balog has reached out to all patients but asks that if anyone has additional questions or concerns to contact him at
We have updated our phone messaging system to assist with calls. There are now options to speak with a live receptionist, leave messages or speak with our new billing company. Medical record requests can be processed on our website at and are handled by Morgan Records Management. Thank you for your patience during this transition. We look forward to providing you high-quality care as we enter into 2024! 

Wishing you all a joyful holiday season.